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Update on City of Hartford alderman/mayoral candidates for April 2025 election | By Steve Volkert

Hartford, WI – There are 3 aldermanic races and a mayoral race on the April 2025 ballot in the City of Hartford. As of December 19, 2024, papers have been taken out by alderman Wayne Rusniak to run as the incumbent in District 2.


In District 1, non-candidacy papers for alderman were handed in by alderman Joe Fulop.  Carrie DiPaola has taken out papers for candidacy.

In District 3, alderman Justin Webb has taken out nomination papers.  Also, Randy Kohlman has taken out candidacy papers.

In the mayoral race, three people have taken out papers through the clerk’s office to run for mayor.  That includes: Todd Bultman, Terrance Perfect and alderman Dennis Regan.

Please note, papers can be taken out via the website thus the clerk’s office would have no formal notice of someone taking them out.

The next step for any candidate would be to obtain the required signatures of support.

That includes 20 signatures or more for alderperson and 200 or more for mayor.  All completed papers need to be presented to the Clerk’s office no later than January 7, 2025, at 5 p.m. and verified.

Please note, only residents living in a particular district can sign papers for alderperson and only Hartford city residents can sign papers for mayor.

Below is a previously published story about Hartford Mayor Timothy Michalak filing non-candidacy.

December 11, 2024Hartford, Wi – Hartford Mayor Timothy C. Michalak filed non-candidacy papers this week which means he will not be running for another term in office. During Tuesday’s common council meeting city clerk Shanna Kreilkamp said two people have pulled papers so far to run for mayor.

According to Kreilkamp, papers to run for mayor have been pulled by Terrence Perfect and Todd Bultman. Both ran as write-in candidates in April 2022.

Nomination papers are due by 5 p.m. on January 7, 2025, anyone not running for office needs to file paperwork by 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 27, 2024.

In Hartford, other seats up for election in April 2025 include:

Alderperson, District One Joseph Fulop 3 years

Alderperson, District Two Wayne Rusniak 3 years

Alderperson, District Three Justin Webb 3 years

Nomination papers are available in the City Clerk’s office.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if a primary election is necessary, the primary will be held Tuesday, February 18, 2025.


Michalak has been mayor of Hartford, Wi, since 2016. Prior to that, Michalak was first elected alderman in Hartford in 2009.

Tom Hostad is Executive Director at Hartford Area Development Corporation. He praised Michalak for overseeing development along the STH 60 corridor and the downtown.

“Tim was always supportive of economic development,” said Hostad “Whether it’s the downtown revitalization or the development on the Highway 60 strip with Festival Foods and Culvers… he’s always been proactive in terms of drumming up council support.

“He has been a strong and consistent advocate for lower taxes and most of the recent budgets have involved no tax increases for the neighbors in Hartford. As a county supervisor he always represented Hartford’s best interest.”

Calls have been placed to Michalak for comment.

This is a working story, and more information will be posted when details are available.

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