April 27, 2021 – Hartford, WI – Our names are David and Anne Wenninger. We live on State Road 175, Hartford. This letter is to voice our concerns regarding the Highway W Extension. We would ask for your consideration in this matter, as you vote on it, later this week.
We have wanted to discuss the matter with the committee as a whole, but are not allowed to voice our concerns in any public forum, with you. If you have any questions regarding the following communication, please contact either of us. Our interest and concerns about this proposal are, because the Highway W Extension Project will go through our century owned family farm.
In the past Washington County has come to us and asked to purchase our farm land to make improvements, specifically to the intersection at County W and State Highway 175. Although we did not want to sell our land, we did so to improve the public safety at the intersection. That intersection is one of the safest in the county, with virtually no accidents.
The present proposal would extend County W south to Highway 83, through our farm. The rationale has been to have a faster traffic flow to the City of Hartford. It has been stated that it might increase travel time to Hartford by 20 to 30 seconds.
Two roads only a mile apart, already exist, safely carrying the same traffic, they are: Counties K and S to Highway 83. Highway S is already scheduled for improvements, to enhance traffic flow. The present Highway W plan would close the intersection at Highways 83 and 175. It seems that that exit is deliberately being “set-up” to be closed, so as to further the Highway W Extension proposal.
That intersection SHOULD NOT BE CLOSED – BUT NEEDS TO BE IMPROVED, because it is an excellent transmission route for traffic from the north going south into Hartford. We believe the closure is a manipulation to force the Highway W Extension Project before considering other alternatives.
Rather than proceed with the Highway W Extension, we would ask you to consider making the improvements to County S, and KEEP-BUT-IMPROVE the intersection of Highways 83 and 175. The Washington County tax payers have nothing to lose, and everything to gain with this proposal.
After the completion of these projects, then evaluate the flow of traffic. If, there is truly a need for the extension, it can always be revisited at a later time. This will accomplish two things; 1.) Save the Washington County tax payers money that can be used for other necessary projects, and 2.) Help to preserve valuable farm land.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
David and Anne Wenninger
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