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Harley-Davidson Servi-Cars motorcycle event Thursday, August 18 in Washington County, WI

West Bend, WI – There is a unique event taking off Thursday morning, August 18, 2022 in Washington County, WI and if you’re a motorcycle enthusiast you may want to come see it.
Badger Motorcycle servi
Harley-Davidson Servi-cars will be featured on the ride

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Jon Davidson Oeflein and Jim Feyereisen are part of the Badger Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America. The pair are organizing a ride that features Harley-Davidson Servi-Cars only.

“They are unique three-wheel motorcycle my family made from 1932 all the way to 1973,” said Davidson Oeflein.  “The bikes were so well received Harley-Davidson made the same model for over 40 years.”
Davidson Oeflein explained, “My great-grandfather, Walter Davidson started overseeing their production and then my grandfather took over the duties in 1942.  They were used by many businesses for many different functions.  They could even be ordered with a tow bar on the front so they could be towed behind a car.  Police departments used many for parking enforcement and general patrol.”
There will be several police models on the run. The Badger Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America has lover 200 members that love old bikes.
Davidson Oeflein said there are Servi-Cars coming from as far as Texas and Florida to participate in this event.   “We hope to have around 20,” he said.
The ride will leave Regner Park at 9 a.m.  “We will be gathering behind the grandstands on Silverbrook Drive starting at 8 a.m.  We will be traveling approximately 100 miles to my mother, Jean Davidson’s cottage in Saxville,” he said.
Horicon Bank
Jean Davidson is the granddaughter of Walter Davidson, who was one of the founders and the first president of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
Following a two-night stay the group will return to West Bend for a party Saturday evening.  “We should be back around 5 p.m.,” said Davidson Oeflein. “My mother will join us at the end party.”
Photos courtesy Jon Davidson Oeflein.

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