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State Rep. Rick Gundrum honored with “Friend of Home Health Care” award

October 21, 2022 – Madison, WI – The Wisconsin Association for Home Health Care (WiAHC) announced that State Representative Rick Gundrum (R-Slinger) has been recognized as a 2021-2022 “Friend of Home Health Care.”


This designation is meant to publicly identify legislators for their exceptional work to promote the expanded utilization of home health care as an effective, affordable option for post-acute medical care.

“Representative Gundrum was critical to our legislative success and championed priorities important to home health care providers and our patients throughout our state,” said WiAHC Board Chair Jayne Thill. “Home health care agencies in Wisconsin are grateful for his support and leadership,” concluded Thill.

This award was based on the following policy matters:

  • WiAHC supported Assembly Bill 960, which was signed into law and will protect medical professionals from threats and physical violence. Representative Gundrum was a co-author of this bill.
  • WiAHC was successful in advocating for a Medicaid reimbursement rate increase for home health services in the 2021-2023 state budget. This will benefit home health agencies, as they have not received a rate increase in nearly a decade, and will ultimately reduce the utilization of high-cost institutional medical care.

WiAHC is a membership-based association that represents home healthcare agencies, their staff, and the patients we serve. WiAHC helps to support the common interests of its members to promote home health care as a high-quality, cost-effective health care option in our state. Home health care services provide skilled medical services in the comfort of the patient’s home.

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