29.2 F
West Bend

Guest Editorial | By Josh Schoemann

Guest editorial

August 20, 2020 – Washington County, WI – Today, several private schools opened across Washington County. I congratulate these school leaders, parents and students on the courage to start a new year in person, five days a week, following CDC and public health guidance to deliver a safe experience.

Not having in person instruction is detrimental to the mental well being and growth of our students. The CDC and doctors across the country agree.
In the coming weeks, all schools across Washington County will begin their school years. To help keep all schools open in Washington County, I have asked the Washington Ozaukee Health Department to issue metrics to inform school boards and reassure parents, teachers and students. Over the next few days we will release the county’s guidance to open our schools and when we should exercise caution.
For several weeks, I have been in discussion with school board members and superintendents. Washington County families overwhelmingly support sending students to school in person, five days per week.
Some schools, such as Hartford Union have put out plans which achieve in person instruction. Teachers unions, not our public health professionals, have been the critics of these plans. WEAC has put out “F” grades of these plans to scare the public.

As a father, former school board member, and county executive, I take the health of our students, teachers and public seriously. Now is not the time to be scared of COVID’s presence in our community. Now is the time for elected officials to lead and citizens to demand action from their elected officials.”

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  1. Has there been a poll or survey ofWashington County families concerning in person learning? Making blanket statements saying most families support this should be backed up by facts. I think many if not most families appreciate having a choice of in person and/or virtual instruction right now. I wish local politicians would represent the public and not their personal views.

    • Hi Mary. The West Bend School District did in fact have a survey for student parents to respond to. This survey was regarding their desire to utilize full time in-person learning, fully virtual learning, or a hybrid option for their child(ren) in the upcoming school year. I cannot speak to the other schools in the County, as my kids are in WBSD.

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