28.6 F
West Bend

Great turnout and fast times for 2nd annual Husar’s Diamond Dash at Enchantment in the Park. Photos courtesy Jim Koepnick


Dec. 4, 2016 – West Bend, WI – Combine the first light snow of the season with more than 500,000 Christmas lights and throw in 370 runners and walkers and you have a very successful 2nd annual Husar’s Diamond Dash at Regner park.


There were quite a few runners that came dressed in Christmas spirit with red Santa hats and beards or donning jingle bells and reindeer antlers.









The course brilliant mix of sloshy fun combined with the colorful lights and a fresh blanket of snow.

Sixteen-year-old Luke Guttormson from West Bend West High School ran the 3.1 mile course in a record 16 minutes and 55 seconds.

Monica Schaefer, 29, of Adell was the first female finisher; she crossed in 21 minutes and 21 seconds.  The top finishers received a watch valued at $500 from Husar’s House of Fine Diamonds.

A full list of race results can be found HERE.  Money raised goes to Enchantment in the Park.

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Photos courtesy Jim Koepnick

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