Stop on in this Saturday, March 5 for the grand opening of Mind the Gap Store, 121 S. Main Street in West Bend.
Double dog dare you on the Marmite challenge!
The British import store features items including The Beatles, Downton Abbey, Guinness chips, English chocolate flakes and Dr. Who collectibles.
Stop in and say hi to owner Rob Tye who hails form Essex.
What is Marmite? According to the Urban Dictionary, “A black, gooey spread, almost a form of yeast extract. The only true Marmite being made in England.
This delectable spread is eaten by some with honey or peanut butter, but the classic recipe is fresh white toast, spread with butter, which must melt swiftly so the Marmite can immediately be administered and then quickly devoured, in time to prepare the other slices of toast before they go cold.
Of course, some mortals cannot stand the euphoria that comes with eating this food and say that it is the most revolting thing imaginable, to cover their inability to comprehend such divine fare, and so the human race will forever be divided between the “lovers” and the “haters.””