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West Bend

West Bend West JV1 takes 3 from Grafton | By Maria Olson

September 2, 2022 – West Bend, WI – The West JV1 Spartans took on the Grafton Black Hawks in the first conference match Thursday night.
WBW vs. Grafton
The Spartans defeated the Black Hawks in all three matches, W25-23, W25-13, W15-6.

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The Spartans put up big blocks and took aggressive swings on offense.
Emy Miller, Morgan Winkler, and Rylee Faehling controlled the game from the service line. Each went on runs that kept the Spartans in the lead. Great start to the season West.
The Spartans defend home court against Slinger next Thursday, September 8.

Click HERE for an article about WBW JV2 by Amelia Dubey

@ Grafton JV1 on 8/1/22  W25-23, W25-13, W15-6
Rylee Faehling   4 aces (13att & 1error)
Emy Miller   4 Kills
Laila Hertel  3 K
Rylee            3k
Morgan Winkler 8 assists (23 att)
Rylee                  7 asst.    (20att)
Emy                      10 digs
Roni Fahrenkrug  9 dig
Avah Banks   5 blocks
team leaders in stats.
About the author: Maria Olson is a junior at West Bend West. She has played volleyball since 5th grade. “I hope to become an architect in the future as I enjoy math and using my creative side,” said Olson.  JV1 is coached by John Minz.

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