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West Bend

VIDEO | Milwaukee Brewer legend Gorman Thomas joining Tommy Schwai this Saturday morning

October 22, 2021 – West Bend, WI – The one and only fan favorite Milwaukee Brewer Gorman Thomas is at Tommy Schwai’s booth at the downtown West Bend Farmers’ Market on Saturday, October 23, 2021.

The two local legends stood side-by-side at the market in 2019 as the former Brewer center fielder joined Hollywood star and Fredonia butcher Tommy Schwai for a day.

Both were selling their wares; Schwai had his usual wide variety of meats, brats and pig ears and Thomas was selling his Stormin’ Gorman mustard.

No. 20 was also reminiscing about the good ole’ days with Harvey’s Wallbangers and the Brewers of old.


Schwai liked to tell the story about “Gorman crashing into the walls in the outfield.” Others recalled the old days when the Brewers held camera night and kids armed with plastic Kodaks could walk onto the field, duck under the yellow rope and run up and pose next to their favorite Brewer. “That would never happen today,” said Thomas.

Hard-core Brewer fans lined up for jars of mustard, autographs and a chance to have their photo take with Thomas and Tommy.

Gorman Thomas

Filmore Fish Fry


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