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West Bend

Good news….. Leai is home

July 13, 2021 – West Bend, Wi – Little Leai is home from her 6-day adventure.
Jamie Lynn said she was found sleeping in her bed this Tuesday morning, July 13, 2021 at the location she was last sighted on Monday.
It was July 8 when the little black and white Boston Terrier took off. … now she’s home, and a little tired and her mom is relieved.
lost dog
“I can’t thank you enough for your prayers, help with spreading the word that she was missing, sharing posts, lending of trail cams & more. It took a village and she wouldn’t have been found without your assistance. God is good,” said Lynn.


  1. That is good news. We took care of your Leai last fall/winter. She made friends with Martha the bullmastiff and Frankie the dachshund. Bob & Gloria

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