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Knights of Columbus encourage businesses to recognize Good Friday on April 15, 2022

Washington Co., WI – On April 15, 2022, on Good Friday the Knights of Columbus would like to invite you to spend some time in your church for an hour or so of personal reflection in thanksgiving and gratitude for the great sacrifice our Savior made for our salvation.

Good Friday, Easter, Holy

We have so much to be thankful for:

Our family, friends, relatives, the food on our plates and the roof over our heads.  We are thankful for the material gifts that enhance our lives, and the wonderful community we live in.

Most especially we can be thankful for the gift of our faith.

Knights of Columbus


Click HERE for the Good Friday, April 2021 homily at

St. Frances Cabrini in West Bend, WI

We can pray for those in need:

Those who aren’t as blessed as we have been blessed.  Those people who live in fear because of war, hunger, human trafficking, violence and sexual abuse.  Those who are suffering from the loss of loved ones, and those who are confused and conflicted inside.

And we pray especially for those who have lost or abandoned their faith.

Holy Hill, crucifixion, Jesus, Easter, Good Friday

The Knights of Columbus is asking all employers to close their doors for the three hours Jesus hung on the cross, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Good Friday, April 15, 2022, to allow employees and business owners time to spend in church in gratitude and to think about what that means for us.


Check with your church for the time of the Good Friday Liturgy and bring your loved ones.




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