26 F
West Bend

Gift of Giving fundraiser is April 7 in West Bend


March 8, 2018 – West Bend, WI – The Gift of Giving fundraiser is April 7 from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. at King Pin Bowl and Ale House, 1022 S. Main Street in West Bend.


Bo’s Heavenly Clubhouse is a nonprofit charity organization that was formed when Amanda Hartwig’s family experienced the loss of their 10-month-old son, Bo. “We had nowhere to turn for grief support and aid for mental anguish,” she said.


The Hartwigs have started an organization that provides what they did not have in those immediately fragile moments following the loss of their sweet baby. “We strive to reach parents of child loss in ways of grief support groups, individual grief support and aid for final expenses.  We promote positive healing tools and ways to cope,” she said.


Bo’s Heavenly Clubhouse relies strictly on donations to provide services that are greatly needed in the community.


Our first ever Gift of Giving Silent Auction Event is specifically designed by one of our loss moms that wants to give back to our mission. She is honored and grateful for our support during her most fragile time. She has taken it upon herself to team up with us in our spring fundraiser. You would be honoring her daughter and our son by attending this amazing event.


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