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VIDEO | Candidate forum | Germantown School Board | By Common Sense Citizens of Washington County

Germantown, WI  Common Sense Citizens of Washington County held a Candidate Forum at the Washington County Fair Park & Conference Center.

Common Sense Citizens forum

There are six candidates vying for three seats on the Germantown School Board on the April 5, 2022 ballot.

Russ Ewert
Tracy Parker

Adam D. Barr
Brian Medved

Michael W. Loth
Pam Schulz

While everyone was invited to participate, four of the candidates took part in the forum.

The order at the table included Russ Ewert, Adam Barr, Brian Medved, and Michael Loth.

Questions posed to the candidates are below.

What role should parents play in their child’s education and the school’s curriculum development?
With falling test scores in the aftermath of two years of lost time due to Covid, how do we catch students up?
Violence, bullying, and racism are an issue within some of the school districts in the county.  What would your solution to these problems be?
Do you think a school district should have the power to make Covid vaccines mandatory for staff and students, and under what circumstances should masks be mandated?
What are your views on the use of CRT and SEL principles in middle school and high school education?
The National School Board Association has asked the FBI to get involves in school board meetings, claiming an uptick in violence against school board members.  Many question whether this is intended to use intimidation to prevent concerned parents from exercising their 1st amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  Do you support or oppose FBI involvement in School Board meetings, are you willing to publicly admonish the National School Board Association for this action, and why or why not?

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Below is a recap of some of the sessions from the Candidate Forum at Washington County Fair Park.

Click HERE to find answers to questions about your April 5, 2022

Spring Election ballot.

 Check your vote at myvote.wi.gov
my vote

More candidate forums will be added as uploads are completed.
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