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Germantown Police & Washington Co. SWAT Team respond to 911 call | By Chief Snow

April 23, 2023 – Germantown, WI – On Sunday, April 23, 2023, at 6:21 p.m., Germantown Communications received a 911 emergency call that had been transferred from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office.  It was believed the caller was reporting a domestic disturbance.

The call was disconnected.

 Upon call back, Germantown Communications spoke with a male subject who stated there was no emergency.
 He would not provide Communications Officers with his address or provide any other information regarding the original 911 call.

Germantown Communications was able to find the address of the caller and dispatched Germantown Officers to investigate the incident.

Officers were not allowed in the house.  They spoke with someone through the door who said everything was ok but would not open the door to speak with officers or provide any information to verify that everyone in the apartment was ok.  At some point during the contact officers heard what was believed to be a firearm being loaded.

Officers continued to attempt to make contact, with no success.  Shortly after 7 p.m.  the Washington County SWAT Unit was contacted to respond to the scene.
 The Germantown Police Department was also assisted by the City of Milwaukee Police Department.  Negotiators and officers on scene were able to speak with a male and female at that residence over the course of about 90 minutes.
 They refused to exit the residence to meet with officers but did assure officers there was not an emergency and that there were no weapons at the residence.
 Officers were able to determine neither subject was armed with a weapon and were given no reason to believe that either party, or anyone in the apartment complex was in imminent danger.
All officers cleared from the call around 10:30 p.m.
American Commercial Real Estate


  1. Please be careful during a domestic violence call police officers I know that’s its a very dangerous situation from the show Cops I’ve watched for a very long time !

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