Germantown, WI – Paul Hammond is the Field Director for Germantown Soccer Club. He works to maintain the excellence of the fields, goals, and nets.
To keep the quality of the field, he makes sure the lines are visible, flags are set up, and the grass is cut.
Hammond is in charge of scheduling all home games and practices as well as caring for all the fields GSC uses. Hammond also organizes all the indoor practices at village schools in the winter.
Hammond’s passion for his job allows GSC to have the opportunity to practice at Friedenfield, Homestead Hollow, Spassland Park, Kinderburg Park, and other parks in the Germantown area.

Village Park N’ Rec also helps care for the fields. “Germantown Soccer Club has a very, very strong relationship with the Village of Germantown Park N’ Rec group,” said Hammond.
Parents and players compliment Hammond on the condition of the fields and how they are meticulously cared for.

From the steady feedback Hammond receives from players, parents and other teams, he knows Germantown’s fields are at the top of the spectrum.
While caring for the fields on a daily basis, Hammond said it is difficult to prevent dead spots, potholes, or other irregularities, however the difference is addressing the problem areas immediately.
“Most fields have a dead spot, a section that has been worn down because that’s where the most action takes place,” said Hammond. “The solution is to shift the goals so traffic is reduced on dead spots, and the result is less wear and time for regrowth.”
Germantown Soccer Club is regularly installing new nets and painting the goals to prevent rust or debris. Hammond’s dedication to maintaining the equipment used by the Germantown Soccer Club, aids in boosting the image of the club.
Now is perfect time to register for the 2021-2022 soccer year at Germantown Soccer Club.
About the author: Eleanora Markwald is a student reporter for Markwald is an incoming sophomore at Divine Savior Holy Angels.