34.8 F
West Bend

Gas prices spike ahead of Memorial Day weekend

West Bend, WI – The Memorial Day weekend is ahead and with that the traditional spike in prices at the pump.
What sort of increase are you experiencing?
Earlier this week a gallon of regular unleaded topped out at $3.39. Within 24 hours that jumped to $3.59 and today $3.99 a gallon in West Bend.

What sort of increase are you experiencing. Below is a similar story from 2023.

May 21, 2023 – West Bend, Wi – Just ahead of the four-day Memorial Day weekend gas prices in West Bend, WI have spiked to $3.79 for a gallon of regular unleaded.


According to gasbuddy.com there is a pretty wild price swing across Washington County, WI.

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Richfield, Jackson and Germantown are all at $3.55 for a gallon of regular unleaded. Colgate checks in at $3.52 and Slinger tags in at $3.57.

In neighboring Fond du Lac County, prices are noticeably less, ranging between $3.25 – $3.29 for regular unleaded.

Milwaukee County is anywhere from $3.29 to $3.46.

What sort of prices are you seeing?

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