42.8 F
West Bend

Gardens of West Bend Tour to feature music and artist | By Shirley Decker

West Bend, WI – The Gardens of West Bend Tour by Roots and Branches is set to kick off Saturday, July 11 at 9 a.m.  The self-driving tour will feature five unique gardens in the West Bend area.

Roots & Branches ticket

Some are smaller urban gardens, country gardens and all are full of ideas you can incorporate in your garden.  To add to the day there will be music, an artist painting a garden scene, along with a plant sale and craft sale.

There will be a free drawing and a raffle for a beautiful garden trellis.  Join us for our event and enjoy summer at last.

Cedar Ridge Garden Tour




Tour dates: Saturday, July 11 at 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, July 12, Noon to 3 p.m.

Tickets are $10 – CLICK HERE for more information.

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