44.8 F
West Bend

Garbage cart transition takes effect Oct. 1

The change to refuse/garbage collection in the city of West Bend takes effect today.

To continue curbside refuse collection, all residential dwellings, four-family units or less, and condominiums are required to obtain and begin using a city of West Bend refuse cart by Oct. 1, 2015.

Guidelines that may help with the transition.

Carts are available for purchase at 251 Municipal Drive from 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Carts should be placed curb side by 7 a.m. as crews may change direction of their route at any time.

Carts should be placed within 18” of the curb with the arrows on the lid pointing to the street/curb.

Carts should be placed at least three feet away from recycle carts, mailboxes, lamp posts, and other permanent structures.

Close lids prior to pick up – lids should be closed on the carts in order to stop material from spilling or blowing away prior to collection.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Department of Public Works at 262-335-5079 or www.ci.west-bend.wi.us.

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