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Future of Sturgeon Spearing meeting January 22, 2024 | By Rep. Ty Bodden

Stockbridge, WI – A Town Hall event titled: The State of Sturgeon Spearing will be held at the Stockbridge High School gym, 110 School Street, Stockbridge, WI, on Monday, January 22, 2024 from 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. The event is being hosted by Congressman Gallagher’s office and Rep. Ty Bodden.

This event will give the public the chance to hear more about the potential listing of the lake sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act and the potential effects on WI sturgeon management and the annual spearing season.

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Federal and State officials will give an update on efforts already underway to prevent this listing and what the next steps are in the process.

Additionally, representatives from Sturgeon for Tomorrow and local fishing clubs around the Winnebago system will be able to talk about the roles they have played in the WI conservation success story of lake sturgeon management and the negative impacts an ESA listing would have on them and their communities.

Finally, members of the public will get a chance to ask questions about the potential listing, its effects, or efforts underway.

 Rep. Gallagher staff
 Rep. Grothman? and staff
 Sen. Johnson and staff?
 Sen. Baldwin and staff?
 Rep. Bodden
 State Legislators
 Sturgeon For Tomorrow Representatives
 Local Fishing Clubs Members
 Public

Those looking to attend are encouraged to sign up: RSVP: State of Sturgeon Spearing Community Information Meeting (google.com)

What: Community Information Meeting on Future of Sturgeon Spearing When: Monday January 22, 2024 ⋅ 7 PM – 8 PM

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