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Kewaskum PD investigate full moon at Hon-E-Kor | By Chief Tom Bishop

June 4, 2022 – Kewaskum, WI – Kewaskum Police were stopped by a vehicle occupied by two women reporting someone golfing at Hon-E-Kor Country Club moon them as they passed.

The ladies didn’t want to file an official report but were shocked and offended by the gesture.

Kewaskum Police investigate report of full moon at golf course

From their description Lieutenant Steiner was able to ascertain this occurred on the fifth tee box of the blue nine on the top of the big hill.  This information was relayed to the Washington County Sheriff’s office, but they had an emergency call and asked for mutual aid to speak with the subjects.

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Lieutenant Steiner located a foursome on the sixth green, but they all denied being responsible. There was a moderate time delay from the time of report to the time of contact it’s possible they weren’t the ones responsible.


Warnings were issued to those spoken to in the event they were involved. No further investigation took place.

Click HERE to make your reservations today at Hon-E-Kor, 1141 Riverview Drive, Kewaskum, WI.


  1. It’s the season of the Karen.
    Every imagined insult will be treated as a death threat by pearl clutching nitwits.

  2. Should have just stopped and took pictures. Everyone wins: golfers get the attention they’re looking for, ladies get some excitement.

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