41.5 F
West Bend

FRIENDS, Inc. hosts Dueling Pianos benefit September 16, 2022 | By Gabriela Regall

West Bend, WI – FRIENDS, Inc., a local non-profit serving survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault for over 44 years, is having its Dueling Pianos annual fundraiser at the Schauer Arts Center, 147 N. Rural St., Hartford, WI, on Friday, September 16, 2022, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.


The public is invited to an enjoyable evening filled with delicious food, cocktails, raffles, silent auction, and musical entertainment.

Come join us and learn how FRIENDS has helped individuals and families of Washington County.

Individuals like…

“The trauma that you experience as a child stays with you for the rest of your life. The people you are supposed to learn about love from provide a skewed version of love. The worst part is you learn from a very young age that abuse is normal, and you end up with partners who do just that, abuse you. I am a different person because of FRIENDS and I hope they continue with their mission of helping others as they helped me.” – Adult

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“FRIENDS’ art therapist has helped me a lot. I like that she is not for Mom or Dad, but for me. It is a safe space to express my feelings, like how I am feeling if I am hurting or not. Feelings like being scared, happy, or safe. Sometimes I am afraid but not that often. She helps me understand those feelings and express them.” – Child

“I am so impressed with the help I have received through FRIENDS for my experience with an aggressive spouse and the legal help with a restraining order and divorce. FRIENDS was
supportive when I went to court and that made all the difference to me to know I wasn’t alone with my abuser in the courtroom.” – Adult

“I am overwhelmed by the generosity of FRIENDS; the time and care that all the employees and volunteers put in is absolutely amazing. I appreciate the help and support that I continue to receive through your organization more than I can ever explain or properly verbalize… Thank you so much!” – Adult

“I will forever be grateful to FRIENDS for the time and care that they have shown me, it has truly been life-changing… you have allowed me to see possibilities ahead of me that I was certain would never be a reality for me!” – Adult

“I want to thank you for all your help and support! Knowing that there are people like you and places like FRIENDS is uplifting during dark times for many of us affected by domestic abuse. I’m thankful and grateful.” – Adult

“FRIENDS has provided me a safe place where I could work on making decisions concerning myself, as well as being able to provide a safe environment for myself and my daughter.” – Adult

In 2021, with county Law Enforcement, the District Attorney’s office and hospitals, FRIENDS:
-attended 403 charging conferences to support and provide information to domestic
violence victims.
-responded to 35 sexual assault examinations at our local hospitals.

In addition, FRIENDS, Inc.,

-answered 835 crisis calls.
-provided safe shelter to 95 victims and their children.

Our Dueling Piano Fundraiser allows us to help more families. Eat, drink and be charitable.
You can purchase tickets by clicking HERE.

During box office hours, tickets can be purchased in person or charged over the phone by calling 262-670-0560, Ext. 3.

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