April 3, 2021 – Washington Co., WI – My source for facts is from a book titled The 5000 Year Leap, Principles of Freedom 101 written, researched, and published by the National Center for Constitutional Studies.
With this spring’s elections focusing mainly on local school board members and their beliefs on curriculum, I think it’s vital to reacquaint ourselves with the wishes and forethoughts of our founding fathers when they debated and penned the Constitution. After last November’s presidential election, it has become completely obvious that we face an over powerful, over bloated, and corrupt federal government that far exceeds the wishes of our founding fathers. For those of us who truly love this country and wish to preserve the freedom it gives us, we must begin the fight to correct problems at the Federal level by starting at our local level of government.
The 23rd principle of freedom is “Importance of an educated electorate” John Adams, one of the founding fathers wrote strongly about the need for public education citing that even as far back as 1647 the Massachusetts legislature enacted a provision that every town of certain size needs to provide a grammar school and schoolmaster or face heavy penalties.
John Adams spent many years in France and observed that of France’s 24 million citizens, only 500,000 could read and write.
It was through mandated education that our founding fathers wanted it’s citizens to be able read, write, and do arithmetic so that they could engage in self study and make their own informed decisions throughout life.
Bear with me now as we touch the third rail of the education debate when I discuss the role of religion in education as well as the true meaning of separation of church and state.
Let’s start with the undeniable fact that our founding fathers came from all reaches of Europe and brought with them a vast majority of religious sects and even atheism (there actually were 2 atheists appointed to the Constitutional Congress to help draft the article)
The 4th principle of freedom is “The Role of Religion.” When our forefathers and settlers arrived from Europe the majority of them were religious of various different sects, Christians, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Quakers, Protestants, etc. Although different in their own ways, Ben Franklin wrote how the founding fathers believed that every fundamental religion could be based on 5 standard points.
1. We as humans were created
2. The creator who gave us life also gave us a code to live by.
3. The creator holds us responsible for how we treat each other. The Golden Rule
4. There is life after death.
5. You will be judged in your life after death by how you live your life now.
I think that if you are a religious person, no matter what sect, you could apply all 5 of these principles to your own religion and find that they are true. I will let these beliefs sink in for now because what I am about to tell you next will probably have liberal heads spinning faster than the little girl’s head from poltergeist…and then my last point might actually make their heads explode.
The 3 R’s of Education? I’m sure by now we have all heard of the 3 R’s of education, but do you know what the real 3 R’s of education that should be taught to all citizens were in the eyes of our founding fathers?
1. Knowledge-the obvious one that includes reading, writing, and arithmetic
2. Morality-rules, especially the golden rule and the ability to distinguish right from wrong
3. Religion- yep, religion. (I can almost see the liberal heads starting to spin)
The founding fathers who wrote our constitution believed that the 5 principles of religion should be included in the basic education of every American citizen. Remember that they didn’t specify any individual sect of religion, just that the 5 principles of all religion should be taught and it should be up to local school boards, not the federal government, and not even the state to mandate what religion should be taught. I will return to my last sentence in my next point ,that’s the one that will cause liberals (or identity socialists as I prefer to call them now) heads to explode with angry thoughts about the truth. How do I know that these 3 things are true? Article 3 of the Northwest Ordinance (passed by Congress in 1787, the same year that the Constitution was written) states “religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary for a good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”
America’s new found freedom was such a success story that French jurist, Alexis de Tocqueville (AdT for reference for rest of the editorial) visited the United States in 1831, just 42 (or 4 squares and 2 triangles if you are practicing common core math) years after the ratification of our Constitution. He was completely amazed at how intelligent the average American citizen was, this at a time when the majority of European citizens were illiterate. AdT commented on how amazed he was that the American pioneer was so well educated about history, current events, and also future prospects that they could easily join in debate with the best of Europe’s philosophers and elites if given the chance.
Now let’s get back to the truth about separation of church and state (the head explosion fuse is lit) The truth behind the real meaning can be found in writings by Jefferson and Madison. Inspired by Patrick Henry’s wish to reward Christian teachers for teaching the Christian faith. Jefferson and Madison fought back with warning about government showing preference towards one religion over another. At the time that the Constitution was ratified, 9 states had already declared official religions for their respective states. This brought about the mention of freedom of religion in the 1st amendment but it also states that Congress shall not make any laws respecting or punishing one religion over another.
The founding fathers were worried that declaring a national religion, or even states declaring an official religion would lead to civil strife and eventually persecution for religious beliefs therefore they left the issues of religion up to each state’s own government, ie Separation of Church and State not separation of church from state as many identity socialists want you to believe. If you doubt what the founding fathers wanted regarding religion just read Jefferson’s 2nd inaugural address in which he informs states that they need to press forward with settling their own religious issues and that religious issues do not fall upon federal jurisdiction. Yes I am well aware of what the supreme Court has ruled but it might have done them some good to read “Commentaries on the Constitution” by Justice Joseph Story of the Supreme Court.
“He alone who owns the youth, gains our future”- Adolf Hitler. To the hard working underpaid public school teachers who are reading my editorial, please don’t think my comments are aimed at you but rather they are focused at the local school boards, state education bureaucracies, and the over powerful state teachers union that puts forth and helps implement left reaching communist curriculums such as the one being considered by the West Bend school district. Contrary to what Hillary Clinton believes, it does not take a village to raise a child, it takes dedicated parents working together to lay the foundation of their own beliefs to shape the public education of the next generation…and not a group of idealistic politically motivated board members.
I can give many personal examples of how a “curriculum” such as the one being proposed is not education, it’s indoctrination and personally right now I believe that the University of Wisconsin is the biggest proponent of socialist propaganda to destroy families since Josef Goebbels.
West Bend is looking at starting this indoctrination, I mean curriculum, at a younger than ever age in our children’s mental development so I beg everyone who is voting Tuesday to do their research into their candidate’s stance on the proposed curriculum.
I fully believe that under the guise of “political correctness” our country has set itself up for a Nazi like governance bent on genocide and self destruction.
In less than 30 years, we have removed religion from schools. That was the first “R” to be removed and I am not arguing for the teaching of religion in public schools, I am arguing for the truth be taught that religions exist…. just simply that they exist, and that people are endowed the right to believe in whatever religion they want to.
Reading is replaced with chrome books and Google, Wikipedia, etc. Of course if it’s on the internet it must be true right?
Arithmetic…? Don’t even get me started with how I see math being taught nowadays. I’ve never seen such dumbing down of the next generation and the next electorate as I have through common core math, well unless you consider science. The same people pushing the “believe the science” theme about Covid19 are the same controllers telling you to believe that there are more than 2 genders. I truly don’t care what your sexual preference is or how you identity as mentally, all the more power to you, but science only recognizes that you are born a male or a female.
The Golden Rule is no longer “treat others as how you would want to be treated” but “treat others as how you would want to be treated unless they are conservative or don’t believe in the same ideas as what you are being taught”
For years now I have noticed the overwhelming reluctance of younger people to be able to respectfully and peacefully question authority but yet turn to mob violence, destruction, and social media bullying if they are told to be offended. The new curriculum destroys free thought and free will, it suppresses individualism while using it as a tool to destroy anyone questioning it.
Our founding fathers who undertook the greatest experiment in history of self governance would be ashamed of the road we are on. Think long and hard about where true change starts when you vote this Tuesday, April 6.
Michael S Flanders
Town of Polk
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