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Former Town of Hartford man facing 5 felony charges of possession of child pornography

February 9, 2024Washington Co., Wi – A 41-year-old man who previously lived in the Town of Hartford is facing five felony D charges of possession of child pornography.


A complaint about Jeffrey Feistel was initially filed December 19, 2023. Court records indicate a hearing was held January 24, 2024.

Washington County court records show bond was set at $5000 and Feistel was ordered, “No use/possess of any internet capable device except for purposes of communicating with his attorney.”

The criminal complaint alleges Feistel knowingly possessed recordings “of a child engaging in sexually explicit conduct, and reasonably should have known that the child was under the age of 18.

You can choose to click HERE to read the criminal complaint. Warning – the content is extremely graphic and may be disturbing in nature.

Feistel was also in Washington County court on a different charge in January 2023 where he entered a Guilty Due to No Contest Plea on a misdemeanor charge of defamation, where he was accused of sharing a co-worker’s image to porn sites.

A portion of that criminal complaint is below.


Feistel is scheduled to appear February 28, 2024, in Washington County Judge Sandra Giernoth’s court on the current 5 felony charges tied to child porn. If convicted Feistel may be fined not more than $100,000, or imprisoned not more than 25 years, or both.


Feistel reportedly left his long-time job in Hartford and moved to the Shawano area.

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