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West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Call for accountability in the hiring of Lizbet Santana | By Dustin Collett

December 1, 2023 – To the Editor, I am writing to express my profound concern and dismay regarding the recent revelations about Lizbet Santana, the former West Bend City Clerk, who is facing serious charges of child abuse​.

Letter to the Editor lizbet

The disturbing nature of these allegations – including causing bodily harm to children aged 10 and 7​​, and accusations of striking them with a phone cord and leaving them unattended​ warrants immediate and thorough scrutiny of the hiring process that placed her in a position of public trust.


It is alarming that Santana, who had only been in her role since June 2022​ and whose previous experience included a brief stint at the Wisconsin Elections Commission (who spearheaded multiple illegal efforts to ‘get out the vote’ in 2020)​​, was entrusted with such a critical role in our city’s governance. The hiring process, as reported, showed a lack of due diligence, particularly in verifying her educational qualifications​ and understanding her background.


Given the severity of the charges and the potential oversight in the hiring process, I urge all those involved in the decision to hire Ms. Santana to resign. This includes members of the interview committee and any elected officials who played a role in this decision. It is imperative that our city’s leadership be held to the highest standards of integrity and accountability, and this incident has undermined public confidence in their judgment.   Any claims of being ‘forced’ into such a vote should fall on deaf ears as an admitted lack of fortitude is cause enough to call for resignation.


Our community deserves a transparent and thorough investigation into this matter. Only through accountability and responsible leadership can we hope to rebuild trust and ensure such oversights do not occur in the future.



Dustin Collett

Kewaskum, WI


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