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Fond du Lac Therapy/Crisis Worker K9 Swear-In on Tuesday, December 19 | By Fond du Lac Co. Lt. Eric Halbach

Fond du Lac Co., Wi – On Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 2 p.m., Fond du Lac Co. Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt will be conducting a ceremonial swear-in with Josie, the Sheriff’s Office newest K9.


Josie is paired with Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s in-house crisis social worker, Sheila Seaborg.  The three of them, along with Lt. Eric Halbach and other program administrators, will be on site and available for interview about the sheriff’s office/crisis social worker partnership program.

The ceremony will start promptly at 2 p.m. in the sheriff’s office conference room, 180 S. Macy St. in Fond du Lac.


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