July 12, 2022 – Fond Du Lac County, WI – More great work between our K9s, the MEG Unit, and the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office to remove drugs (heroin, LSD, psylocibin mushrooms, ketamine, oxycodone, and marijuana) , drug money, an accused trafficker, and his firearm from our streets. Below is a joint media release from our three agencies.
Photo credit: Fond Du Lac Police Department
Joint Investigation Results in Arrest of Interstate Drug Trafficker and Large Seizure of Illegal drugs, Loaded Firearm, and U.S. Currency
As the result of an ongoing investigation, during the week of July 4, 2022, Investigators and Deputies with the Lake Winnebago Area Metropolitan Enforcement Group – Drug Unit (LWAM), Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office and Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office arrested an out of state subject who was traveling to Wisconsin in possession of quantities of illegal controlled substances. The investigation was a joint effort between LWAM, the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office and Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office who worked collaboratively on the investigation which resulted in the arrest.
Photo credit: Fond Du Lac Police DepartmentPhoto credit: Fond Du Lac Police Department
During the investigation, investigators intercepted a subject who was traveling to Wisconsin from out of state. K9 units from the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office conducted a traffic stop on US Hwy 151 in Fond du Lac County which ultimately resulted in the seizure of approximately 10 pounds of high-grade marijuana, three-fourths of a pound of high potency THC wax, over seven pounds of THC edibles, and quantities of suspected heroin, LSD, psylocibin mushrooms, ketamine, oxycodone, over $21,000 of U.S. currency and a loaded 9-mm handgun. The vehicle was also seized, and the subject arrested on charges relating to possession and distribution of illegal controlled substances as well as a weapons violation.
“Drug dealers with loaded weapons present a serious danger to public safety,” said Attorney General Josh Kaul. “Thank you to the law enforcement officers who were part of the collaborative investigation that led to this arrest and the recovery of several types of drugs and a loaded weapon.”
“The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office continues to keep the enforcement of drug related crimes a top priority,” said Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt. “Time and time again our deputies witness the devastating effects of drug distribution and use in our community, and the associated crimes that often time come with the drug trade. This sizable seizure of a large variety of illegal drugs, combined with a firearm and significant quantity of cash, is the result of the hard work of our deputies and other officers from around the Fox Valley who work in partnership with LWAM each day. We will continue our work to intercept these illegal drug transports and hold accountable those who distribute these illegal items here.”
“One of the key elements to fight our overdose and addiction issues are the arrest and conviction of drug dealers,” said Winnebago County Sheriff John Matz. “We all know someone who has been impacted by this affliction. We will continue to work together to address this issue.”
Fond Du Lack Sheriff’s Department K9 Koda; Photo credit: FDL Sherifff
LWAM is a multijurisdictional task force comprised of investigators from participating law enforcement agencies within Winnebago, Outagamie, Fond du Lac and Calumet Counties. LWAM’s mission is the investigation and enforcement of both state and federal drug trafficking laws with the goal of preventing the flow of illegal and dangerous drugs into the communities within these counties as well as holding offenders who chose to distribute dangerous drugs within these communities accountable for their criminal activities.
No further information can be released at this time, as this investigation remains ongoing.
Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt
Winnebago County Sheriff John Matz
LWAM Special Agent In Charge/Project Director Jeremiah Winscher
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