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Fond du Lac County Breakfast on the Farm is Sunday, June 27

Fond du Lac, Wi – Envision Greater Fond du Lac Agri-Business Council is gearing up for its annual Breakfast on the Farm. This year’s event is Sunday, June 27 at LaClare Family Creamery in Malone.

farm, fond du lac

“We actually did a drive-thru last year and this year we are ready to celebrate June Dairy Month in person,” said Amy Ries, director of agricultural program.  “This is going to be a safe, outdoor event and we encourage families to come celebrate agriculture in Wisconsin.”

The breakfast is $8 in advance and $9 at the event. Breakfast will feature scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, pork sausage, cheesy potatoes, coffee and milk.

“We will have custard in a separate van and those will be $1 a piece and we will also have LeClare Creamery goat ice cream sundaes and those will be $1 as well,” said Ries. “All proceeds from the goat ice cream goes to the Ag Ambassador (ag in the classroom) program.)

Tickets go on sale June 1, 2021.

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