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1 person arrested following high-speed pursuit in Fond du Lac Co., WI | By Sgt. Gregory Anderson

April 21, 2023 – Fond du Lac, WI – On Friday, April 21, 2023, at approximately 2:24 a.m., a Deputy with the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office attempted to stop a vehicle for several traffic violations on County Hwy TC at Dehring Road in the Lamartine Township of Fond du Lac County, WI.

The vehicle slowed slightly, but did not stop for the Deputy’s emergency equipment. The vehicle continued westbound on County Hwy TC at varying speeds, and a motor vehicle pursuit ensued.

The pursuing deputy noticed the driver throwing items out of the vehicle during the pursuit, and was able to note the location of the items.


The vehicle came to a stop on County Hwy TC, west of State Hwy 26. A High-Risk Vehicle Contact was utilized, and the driver was taken into custody without incident. The pursuit lasted approximately 3.5 miles. There were no other occupants in the vehicle at the time of the pursuit. Deputies were able to locate the suspected contraband discarded by the driver with the assistance of Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office Canine Iro and Canine Koda.

No vehicles were damaged, and no one was injured during this pursuit. The driver was identified as a 45 year-old male from Glendale, WI. He was arrested for Knowingly Fleeing an Officer, Possession of Cocaine, Possession of MDMA (ecstasy), Operating a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence, and a warrant through the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. The Wisconsin State Patrol, Waupun Police Department, and Ripon Police Department assisted with this pursuit.

The suspect is currently on active parole for armed robbery with threat of force and has a lengthy criminal history that includes convictions for both drug and violent crime offenses.

Sergeant Gregory Anderson


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