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West Bend

Flight for Life transports bicyclist following crash on Labor Day in Town of Erin | By Sgt. Scott Hanson

September 8, 2020 – Washington Co., WI – On Monday, September 7, 2020 at 11:17 a.m. the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center received a 911 call reporting a bicycle crash with a person suffering a serious head injury on Dublin Drive just west of County Road K in the Town of Erin.

Ambulances from the Richfield and Hartford Fire Departments responded along with deputies from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office.

Upon arrival of the first rescue personnel, Flight for Life was requested to the scene.

Deputies determined the rider, a 29-year-old male from Waukesha, was traveling with other riders when he lost control of his bicycle after he struck a rock in the roadway at a high rate of speed.

The injured cyclist was transported by Flight for Life with serious injuries.

Dublin Drive was closed to traffic for approximately one hour to assist in rescue efforts.

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