39.1 F
West Bend

First snowfall of the season in Washington County… not expected to be THIS dramatic

Washington Co., Wi – The first snowfall of the season is expected Thursday… but according to the National Weather Service it won’t be as dramatic as the1940 photo below – courtesy Roger Strack. What did you like best about the first snow when you were a kid?

1940 snowfal

On Thursday, neighbors across Washington County will wake up to chilly temps and white rooftops in West Bend, Hartford, Germantown, and Myra.

According to the National Weather Service, “A burst of moderate to heavy snow, slushy snow accumulations on roads, and west-northwest wind gusts of 35-40 mph is beginning to look more likely for Thursday AM especially over eastern WI. Temperatures will warm to near 40F for the afternoon and evening commute with much better road conditions anticipated at that time.”

Photo courtesy Roger Strack.

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