54.4 F
West Bend

Fireworks/4th of July parades: What’s in store across Washington County

West Bend, WI – The annual 4th of July parade steps off at 9:30 a.m. in downtown West Bend followed by festivities at Regner Park that will include food, kids’ games, a Duck Derby, and live music.parade

Head over to Riverside Park for music and dancing starting at 7 p.m. and the Horicon Bank Fireworks at 9:45 p.m.
Horicon Bank
West Bend Fourth Festivities:
  • Parade, 9:30 a.m. The 2024 parade route, will begin at Badger Middle School, continuing north on Main Street to Cedar Street and 7th Avenue before returning to Main Street and concluding at Regner Park.
  • 11 a.m. – West Bend Kiwanis Duck Derby (Regner Park Tennis Courts
  • 1 p.m. – Sand Castle Building Contest (Regner Park Beach)
  • 7 p.m. – Food, DJ, and Dancing (Riverside Park baseball diamond)
  • Horicon Bank Fireworks, 9:45 p.m., Riverside Park

Fireworks at Riverside Park sponsored by Horicon Bank will begin at dusk.

Horicon Bank


Other area 4th of July events include:

bike decorating July 4


July 4 PARADE/CEREMONY – Parade starts at 2 p.m. and will proceed south on Main Street from Downtown to Sawyer Park.

Note from Police: In advance of the July 4th festivities, the Hartford Police Department would like to pass important information along about traffic flow both with the parade and the fireworks. If you are traveling the area during the time of the parade, be aware the parade begins at 2 p.m. and no one will be allowed to enter the parade route once it has begun. The route begins on N Main Street at High St. and travels south on Main Street ending at E Monroe Ave. It is very important you plan to route yourself around the parade if you need to travel east or west through Hartford.

If you are attending the firework display in Independence Park, drive with caution as it is anticipated there will be a large volume of vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area. Upon conclusion of the fireworks, there will be HPD officers enforcing a specific pattern of egress for traffic leaving the event for a more orderly dispersal. This may mean you may not be able to go in the desired direction when you leave. If that is the case, please follow the direction of the officer for their safety and yours.
The image above shows the egress pattern from a few of the area streets following the fireworks. Please share this with anyone you think may be attending. For those parked on E Monroe Ave., you will likely be instructed to leave in the direction you were facing when you parked prior to the fireworks.
Please drive with due regard for others so we can make this another successful event.

FIREWORKS: The City of Hartford will hold the July 4 fireworks at Independence Park, 880 S. Wilson Avenue in Hartford which will commence at dusk.


WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 FIREWORKS: Do you have your blankets and chairs ready for the July 3 fireworks? You can start placing your blankets on the hill to reserve your spot at River Hill Park.


PARADE: Starts at 4:00 p.m. Celebration at Firemen’s Park: 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Music, Food, and Fun at Firemen’s Park.

Fireworks start at dusk.

Uncle Larry's Storage

JULY 4 PARADE: Parade – 1 p.m. with Festivities at Grady Park;

FIREWORKS: Evening Festivities at Peninsula Park with fireworks at dusk

Horicon Bank

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