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Boltonville Firecrackers 4-H member starts summer with Sheep project | By Edison Jaycox

May 11, 2022 – Boltonville, WI – My name is Edison Jaycox, I am 9 years old.  I am the Vice President of the Boltonville Firecrackers 4-H Club. This is my first year in the Sheep project.
I purchased my lambs just a few short weeks ago so right now we are beginning to get to know one another.

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I spend time in the pen with them so they can get used to seeing me. I also practice singing some of my school concert songs so they can get used to my voice.
I have a ewe lamb named Bella, and a weather lamb named Brock.
They were born two days apart from each other back in January. Once we get more conformable with each other I’ll be able to start walking them, just like my dog!
I will be showing my lambs at the Washington County Fair.

SUBMIT YOUR 4-H PROJECT STORY: If you are a member of 4-H or FFA in Washington County please submit your summer project story as we work our way to the 2022 Washington County Fair.  Send stories to judy@washingtoncountyinsider.com

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