53.8 F
West Bend

Fire quickly doused at senior living facility in West Bend, WI | By Kenny Asselin

May 5, 2022 – West Bend, WI – On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 6:14 p.m. the West Bend Fire Department was dispatched for an activated fire alarm at Ivy Manor, 350 S. Forest Avenue in the City of West Bend, WI.
After units were en route, West Bend Police dispatchers advised of smoke in the room of one of the residence. Units received updated information that the alarm was from water flow from the sprinkler system.
Upon arrival firefighters pulled an attack hose line and entered the building.
Property loss management
An activated sprinkler head was noted in the closet in the room of origin.
Firefighters found charred debris in the closet. Fire extinguisher powder was found in the closet as well.

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An employee said they used in extinguisher to extinguish any remaining fire after the sprinkler system activated.
“Fire sprinklers are the fastest and most reliable systems to quickly extinguish a fire,” said West Bend Fire department Captain Kenny Asselin.
Horicon Bank
Lives were saved and property damage was minimized because a properly maintained fire sprinkler system was able to rapidly douse the fire.
One resident was transported to the hospital after exiting the structure.
Damage is estimated around $7,500.
The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

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