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8 departments called to fire and explosions at structure on Church Road in Town of Jackson, WI

December 17, 2024 – Town of Jackson, WI – One man suffered non-life-threatening injuries after a fire broke out at a building, 3383 Church Road in the Town of Jackson, WI.


Jackson assistant fire chief Jim Huyser said the fire call for a fully engulfed 25 x 25 metal pole barn came in around 3:37 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. “When I got there, it was fully engulfed, and it looked like the Fourth of July,” said Huyser who was first on the scene.


“There was one individual that had some burns. He was transported to the hospital in Hartford with non-life-threatening injuries,” said Huyser.

According to the Jackson Fire Department the garage was total loss. There were also several adjoining structures, including a two-story house; those buildings were saved and not damaged.

“There were six departments on scene, we used 5,000 gallons of water, multiple tenders because there were no hydrants and then there were six departments on scene, and three more that backfill their station and covered some other calls,” said Huyser.

The pole barn contained farm equipment and tires. “There was a gentleman working in the shop at the time the fire started; he was an individual that was burned,” said Huyser. “I don’t know the cause or what was going on yet.”

Fire officials said there were propane tanks and an acetylene tank for a welding or cutting.

It took firefighters about one hour to get the fire under control. “We were on scene for just shy of two hours,” said Huyser.

The Washington County Sheriff’s Department is currently investigating the cause of the fire.

The Jackson Fire Department has requested (12/17) MABAS BOX 12-3-2 to the WORKING STILL level for a structure fire at 3383 Church Road in the Town of Jackson.

Agencies responding to the request were from:

St. Lawrence Fire Company
Lifestar EMS Wisconsin
West Bend Fire Department
Richfield Volunteer Fire Company
Slinger Fire Department
Germantown Wisconsin Fire Department
Hartford Fire & Rescue Wisconsin
Cedarburg Fire Department

MABAS Wisconsin  – Photo courtesy Jackson FD – Asst Chief Huyser

Uncle Larry's Storage

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