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Financial Wellness programs in Washington County




April 2017 – Washington Co., WI – Banks, businesses, schools, libraries and many others are joining together to help support financial education during Money Smart Week – April 22 – 29. In Washington County, educational programs are available to the public on all facets of financial education, including:


Women’s Financial Conference “Be Inspired”

The Washington County Money Smart Week Planning Committee is hosting the second annual financial conference specifically geared toward the unique financial needs of women at the UW-Washington County campus on Saturday, April 22 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Keynote speaker Alicia L. Stingley, Financial Advisor at Francis Investment Counsel in Brookfield, WI, offers an inspirational message to start the conference in “Finding Equilibrium,” her personal story of how she has managed to maintain her balance throughout the many twists and turns her life’s journey has taken.
In her current position as the newest Advisor at Francis, Alicia travels the country providing educational and individual advisory services to employees at client sites. Alicia is very passionate about her faith, family, friends, football (Go Packers!!!) and finances. She’s been through many ups and downs financially and is committed to teaching others what she’s learned: how to make ends meet, deal with job loss, rebuild after divorce, dig out from under debt, and have compassion for others who are struggling. Her personal motto is “to be the best me that I can be and to inspire others to do the same.”
Following the keynote presentation, participants will then create their own agenda by choosing 3 sessions from a variety of topics offered, from college student loans, to up-cycling the old, to learning about the basics of investing, and more.
Continental breakfast and door prizes will be provided…all for only $5! Pre-registration is required by April 12 and can be done online at https://goo.gl/ye9WjW


The Big Read

Young children are welcome to join the financial festivities for The Big Read. Story time at area libraries will focus on a book with a money concept, and participating families each receive a copy of “Just Saving My Money” by Mercer Mayer to take home. What a great way to introduce your child to the world of financial literacy!

  • The Hartford Public Library hosts The Big Read on April 19 at 3:30 pm.
  • The Germantown Community Library offers The Big Read on April 25 at 10:30am and 6:30pm.
  • The West Bend Public Library will host on April 25 and 26 at 10am, with an evening option on April 27 at 6:30pm.
  • The Kewaskum Public Library hosts the Big Read on April 26 at 10:30am and 6:15pm.

Fraud Bingo

A bingo game designed to educate senior citizens on the latest financial scams and help them identify red flags to protect themselves from financial predators. Pre-registration is requested.

Hartford Senior Center 730 Highland Avenue Hartford WI 53027

April 25, 2017 1:30—2:30 pm  (262)-673-4005


Germantown Senior Center W162N11960 Park Ave.  Germantown, WI 53022

April 26, 2017 10:00-11:00 am  (262)-253-7799


Money Smart Week is a public awareness campaign to promote financial education across all age groups.

Money Smart Week events are open to the public at businesses, financial institutions, schools, libraries, nonprofits and government agencies throughout the country on topics including kids and money, unemployment, managing student debt and retirement.

Carol Bralich is the Washington County UW-Extension Family Living Educator. To learn more about Money Smart Week events in Washington County, go to http://washington.uwex.edu or call 262-335-4479.


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