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Fiery crash in Germantown caused by 4th time drunk driver | By Lt. Dave Huesemann

January 7, 2020 – Germantown, WI – On Monday, January 6, 2020 at approximately 7:28 p.m., Germantown Communications received reports of an erratic driver Northbound on I-41 north of County Line Road.

Witness reports indicated the suspect vehicle was weaving in traffic, and it also stopped in traffic on I-41 in the vicinity of Lannon Road.

While officers were responding to the area attempting to locate the suspect vehicle, witness reports indicated the suspect vehicle began to travel northbound on I-41 at an extremely high rate of speed.

The suspect vehicle eventually crashed into the rear of another vehicle traveling northbound on I-41 south of Holy Hill Road/STH 167. The suspect vehicle started on fire and officers had to pull a 51 year-old male from inside the vehicle.

This male was transported to Froedtert Hospital Menomonee Falls with non-life-threatening injuries. He was arrested for fourth offense OWI. The 38 year-old female driver in the vehicle struck from behind had very minor injuries and refused ambulance transport.

Multiple lane of I-41 were shut down for approximately 1.5 hours.

Germantown Police Department was assisted by Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Wisconsin State Patrol, Germantown Fire Department, and Richfield Fire Department.

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