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West Bend

Washington County 4-H and FFA prep animals for the Fair | By Ally Loosen with the Slinger FFA

Washington Co., WI – Holy cow. It’s time for the Washington County Fair. My name is Ally Loosen; I am a five-year member of the Slinger FFA, currently serving as Chapter Treasurer.

Alley, steer, FFA, Fair

I’m 16 years old and exhibiting livestock at our County Fair for my seventh year.

Even though the fair opened to the public on Tuesday, FFA and 4-H members have been frequenting the Fair Park since Friday.

We have been busy preparing ourselves and our animals for the crazy week ahead.

county fair, animals

Members have already decorated barns, clipped their steers, and even found some crazy, yet comfortable places to take a load-off.

farm Fair
Tyler Strupp relaxing on a gate after night chores.                Paul Loosen, Broc Bingen, and Tyler Strupp securing fan cages.

Today alone, we have tackled weigh-ins and exhibitor meetings. Sheep and pig showmen are getting their livestock ready to hit the ring Wednesday at 12 p.m. and 4 p.m.

I encourage you to visit the Agricultural Complex at the heart of the Washington County Fairgrounds.

show arena, Farm, Fair

Take in the dedication and persistence these kids have when it comes to raising their livestock. We love to talk about our projects, too, so make sure to ask any questions you may have while visiting.

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