West Bend, WI – The Holy Angels Festival 138 N. Eighth Avenue, West Bend, WI, is back this year on June 10, 11, & 12, 2022. It is a great weekend of food, music, games, carnival rides, friendship, and fun.

We need your help!
We run several games during the weekend. It is a great opportunity for families to work together. Kids 12 or older are welcome to sign up.
To volunteer for the games, click HERE.
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We also sell Lottery pull tab tickets. We need adults (18+). Sign up with a friend!
To help sell Lottery pull tab tickets, click HERE.
To sign up to work the Nacho Booth, Food Stand, Beer Stand, Silent Auction, or Parcel Post, click HERE.
**Urgent Need***The Holy Angels Festival committee is also looking for someone to help organize the Parcel Post Booth (small items and plants for sale) and someone to organize the Chicken Dinner plate for Sunday afternoon. For more information, contact Jim at 262-343-0914.
Please sign up online or fill out the form that was included with your raffle tickets and turn in to school or the parish office.