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Internet Crimes Against Children felony search warrant results in an officer involved shooting | By Sheriff Christy Knowles

June 7, 2023 – Fredonia, WI – On Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at 7:25 a.m. the Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Office attempted to serve a felony search warrant at a residence in the N6700 block of Hwy E in the Town of Fredonia. The warrant was in regard to an “internet crimes against children” investigation.


During the attempted arrest, a struggle ensued and the male suspect armed himself with an edged weapon and was shot by a detective. The suspect is in serious condition and was transported to a local hospital.

An Ozaukee County detective was injured during the incident and was taken to a local hospital with minor injuries.

Per Ozaukee County policy and procedure, the Ozaukee County detective who fired his weapon was placed on administrative leave.

The investigation was turned over to the Wisconsin Department of Criminal Investigation (DCI). The investigation is ongoing and any further inquiries should be addressed with DCI.

Highway E between Pioneer Drive and Jay Road in the Town of Fredonia will be closed during the investigation. There are no safety concerns for the public.

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