54.1 F
West Bend

Feeding America will be at Still Waters Church

Village of Jackson, WI – Still Waters Church, 3617 Scenic Road, in Jackson has been given another wonderful opportunity to partner with Feeding America to help feed Washington County.

September Flier Feeding America

Feeding America–Eastern Wisconsin is the leading hunger-relief organization in the state, operating food banks in Milwaukee and the Fox Valley.  This is the fifth month Still Waters has been a part of getting this much-needed food to Washington County residents.  There is no fee for this great opportunity for some awesome fresh produce and many other items.

Feeding America management was excited to have Still Waters reach out to them.  This lead to creating a mobile pantry on a trial basis, a mobile pantry is different from a traditional food pantry.  Feeding America will deliver pallets of perishables church members will package up these items and then we do a drive through and place packages in their vehicle. The trial date is set for Wednesday, September 9th from 9:00-11:00am OR until food runs out.

Those coming to get a box of fresh produce are advised to enter in the church driveway off of Scenic Road and follow traffic directors.

Bridget Case, Associate Pastor at Still Waters said, “This is a wonderful opportunity for Still Waters Church to be connected with our community and build relationships with those in our community who need to know we are here for them.”

For more information you may contact Bridget Case at 724-561-2588 [Cell]

Schreiber FoodsMorrie's

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