34.8 F
West Bend

Name released following fatal crash on Highway 33 | By Washington Co. Sheriff

April 26, 2022 – West Bend, WI – The Washington County Sheriff has confirmed the name of the man killed in a crash Wednesday, April 20, 2022, at 3:40 p.m.

1sheriff crash

According to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office there was an erratic driver, who ended up driving in the oncoming lane of Highway 33 near the West Bend Airport.

The vehicle crashed head on with another vehicle. Deputies responded along with West Bend Police, and personnel from West Bend Fire Department.

Upon arrival, it was discovered the wrong-way driver, Richard J. Adee, 79, of West Bend, was deceased in the vehicle. The Sheriff said a “medical issue was suspected but the final autopsy report is not back.”

There were no other injuries.

Highway 33 was shut down in the area for approximately two-and-a-half hours. The Washington County Sheriff’s crash recon team responded to the scene to investigate.

The crash remains under investigation. This is the fifth fatal accident this year.

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