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1 person killed and 3 injured in accident in neighboring Dodge County

June 16, 2021 – Dodge Co., WI – On Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at approximately 12:52PM, the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office responded to a motor vehicle crash on STH 33 near North Grove Road in the Township of Oak Grove, Dodge County, Wisconsin.

Initial investigation shows a Buick sedan was traveling West on STH 33.  A Ford truck was traveling East on STH 33. The Ford truck crossed the center line striking the Buick.  

The 50-year-old female driver from Lake Mills in the Buick was pronounced deceased at the scene by the Dodge County Medical Examiner.

The 12-year-old passenger (also of Lake Mills) of the Buick sustained life threatening injuries and was transported to Children’s Hospital Madison via LifeNet Air Methods.

The 47-year-old male driver (Horicon) of the Ford suffered serious injuries and was transported to Aurora Summit Hospital in Oconomowoc by flight for life helicopter.

The 44-year-old passenger(Horicon) in the Ford was transported to MMC Hospital in Beaver Dam with minor injuries.

The crash remains under investigation by the Dodge County Sheriff’s Officeand the Dodge County Medical Examiner.  Assisting at the scene wereHoricon EMS and Fire, Juneau EMS and Fire, Hustisford Fire, Beaver Dam Paramedics, LifeNet Air Methods, Flight for Life, DCERT, Horicon PD, and the Sheriff’s Office Chaplain.

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