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West Bend

Fatal accident in neighboring Dodge County

July 4, 2018 – Dodge Co., WI – The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office is currently at the scene of and investigating a fatal traffic crash.

At about 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4, 2018, The Sheriff’s Office took 911 calls of a two-vehicle, head-on traffic crash on the STH (State Highway) 16 bypass near Second Street Road in the Township of Emmet, or near the northern city limits of Watertown.

The investigation is in the early stages. There were two vehicles involved, each occupied only by a driver.

The driver of the westbound car was unresponsive and deceased upon arrival.  The driver of the eastbound car was transported by ambulance with non-life-threatening injuries.

Operating left of the centerline is a factor, and additional factors are being investigated.overpass due to road blockage and the investigation.

 State Highway 16 is closed in both directions.

 It is expected to be re-opened within a couple of hours.

The identities of those involved are still being investigated, and will be withheld for at least 24 hours, pending notification to family members.

The Sheriff’s Office was assisted at the crash by the Watertown Police Department, Watertown Fire and EMS, Lebanon EMS, DCERT, and the Dodge County Sheriff Chaplain.  A medical helicopter was requested, but canceled prior to arrival.

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