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Farewell salute to Town of Barton chairman Richard Bertram

July 23, 2020 – Town of Barton, WI – A nice salute to Richard Bertram who stepped down this week as chairman of the Town of Barton. A resolution was read in his honor.

Town of Barton


Resolution 20-004


WHEREAS, Richard L. Bertram has served the Town of Barton as Chairman for 16 years commencing June, 2004

WHEREAS, Richard L. Bertram has served the Town of Barton for 11 years as Town Supervisor commencing April, 1993 through June, 2004.

WHEREAS, Richard L. Bertram has chosen to retire effective July 21, 2020.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Barton, Washington County, Wisconsin, on behalf of the citizens of the Town of Barton, we appreciate and express our gratitude to Richard L. Bertram for his service and support to the community in his capacity as Town Chairman and Chair for the Planning Commission, and wish him the best of health and happiness in his retirement.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Barton, Washington County, Wisconsin, forward a copy of this resolution to Richard L. Bertram.

PASSED and ADOPTED this 21st day of July 2020:

Town of Barton signatures



Bertram served a total of 27 years on the town board. At 73 he said it was time to retire and travel.

“I can let somebody younger than me take over,” he said.

Following the resolution a small celebration was held with cupcakes.

The new interim chair is Kris Turner. She will fill the remainder of Bertram’s term which will be on the April 2021 ballot.

The Town of Barton needs to fill a supervisor vacancy. Any resident interested should make their intentions known to the board.

The Town has a 60 – 90 days to fill Turner’s term as supervisor which expires in 2022.

Click HERE for a retirement story on Richard Bertram.

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