Saleem , 6, and his mother Hadwat were extras in “Another Yesterday,” a feature film directed by Steven Heil. Hadwat and Saleem are the wife and son of Joel Soden, a math teacher at West Bend East High School.
Read a portion of Von Behren’s article below.
“I remember Hadwat and Saleem very well, they were absolutely wonderful!,” Heil said. “They didn’t have any speaking lines, but they were incredibly kind, patient, and enthusiastic.”
Saleem told The Current that he was excited and a little scared to act in the film.
The Soden family got involved with “Another Yesterday” through word of mouth. A mutual friend of Heil and the Sodens contacted Hadwat to ask if she and Saleem would like to help with the film.
“Saleem was excited before, and he was excited after,” Joel said. “He really enjoyed the experience.”
Being part of a film was a first for both Hadwat and Saleem. While Hadwat took a high school drama class to learn about acting and playwriting, she never participated in the school plays or choir.
To read the full article by Von Behren log onto The Current or click HERE.