51.1 F
West Bend

REAL ESTATE | Accepted offer on Family Promise building in West Bend, WI

September 6, 2022 – West Bend, Wi – The building, 724 Elm Street, in West Bend, WI has an accepted offer pending as the primary tenant, Family Promise, explores moving to a new location.

Family Promise

Lori Prescott is the executive director of Family Promise, a local non-profit that serves the homeless in Washington County, Wi.

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“The building was donated to us in 2014, I believe,” said Prescott. “We’ve used it as a family shelter ever since.”

Prescott clarified, Family Promise shelters men and women, background checks are conducted, and no registered sex offenders are allowed. The organization also works with Karl’s Place, 450 E. Water Street, a men’s shelter in West Bend, WI.

The reason for the sale of the building, according to Prescott, is two-fold. “Number one, the building is 130 years old and there’s a lot of time spent with TLC versus extra time spent on homeless services, which we would really like to concentrate on.

United Way

“The other reason is due to the $2 million grant we are receiving through Community Development Block Grant funds. This propelled us to sell the building and then use those proceeds towards the new build.”

The “new build” is an addition onto Karl’s Place on Water Street. That construction is being considered during the Plan Commission meeting Tuesday night, September 6 at 6 p.m.

“We now have two locations and we’re combining to be in one,” she said.

Property loss management

A couple added bullet points:

  • The building on Elm Street was originally donated to Family Promise.
  • Prescott said they have “an accepted offer” on the property; at this time they are not naming the buyer.
  • The asking price for the Elm Street property was $900,000.
  • The highest numbers on homelessness are in West Bend. Prescott said West Bend has “the most referral services and resources for clients.”
  • “Timetable is we hope to have shovels in the ground no later than October 31, 2022, with a finish or completion date, July 31,2023.
  • A bidding process has yet to be conducted for the addition on Water Street. “We’re estimating the cost around $3 million,” said Prescott.
  • Family Promise will rent the Elm Street location from its new landlord until the new shelter is completed in 2023.
  • United Way
  • The Elm Street building serves between 40 to 45 people and the new location will serve 35 to 40.
  • The original approval on Karl’s Place was granted June 6, 2017 and included 14 individual beds and 4 supportive housing apartments. The request is to expand the facility to include an additional 18 individual beds and 4 supportive housing apartments.
  • The total individual beds for the facility would be 32 beds and 8 supportive housing apartments.
  • Family Promise is acquiring and additional 0.69 acres from Washington County for this
    expansion resulting in 1.79-acre parcel located at 450 Water St. The city’s zoning code,
    regulates community based residential facilities (CBRF) and emergency shelters. A conditional use permit is required in accordance to 17.13(2) since the emergency shelter is not a residential zoning district and exceeds 15 people.
  • A site plan has been submitted as part of this of the development. Family Promise is proposing to construct a 10,200 sq. ft. building addition which includes 9 rooms for the 18 individual beds and 4 supportive housing units.
  • A building addition is also included on the south side of the building to provide additional offices and a conference room.
  • “This is a very exciting time for Family Promise of Washington County, the CDBG grant has been a great help to us as well as propelling us into the next generation of serving the homeless. And that we look forward to serving the community in this way and being that homeless hub for everyone in Washington County,” said Prescott.

On a history note: Do you know what other businesses/organizations use to be in the location at 724 Elm Street?


  1. Built as the first stand alone High School approx. 1885, then remted to Holy Angels Congregation as their
    Grade School, then used as the City library, then used by the Park and rec Dept. There might have been another use before it was sold to Restat who donated it to Family Promise. I went to 1st and part of second grade at 724 Elm Street. My Dad and all his sibblings went to High School there.

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