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Family of Five Escape House Fire in Hartford | By Samantha Sali

Nov. 24, 2018 – Hartford WI – On Friday evening, Nov. 23, the Hartford Fire Department was called to a residential fire on Budd Street.

Family of Five Escapes House Fire | By Samantha Sali

“We were on scene at approximately 8:20 p.m. until 10 p.m.,” said Deputy Fire Chief Craig Semler. “The family was able to evacuate before we arrived. The fire was located in the upstairs bedroom, not a total loss, but an estimated $10,000 in damage.”

There were no injures to the family, the family’s cat, or firefighters.

The American Red Cross was called to assist the family.

“We provided temporary housing and comfort kits for five adults, including one elderly woman,”said Red Cross volunteer, Laurie Vanderjadt. “The family is still working with case management to see what they need since the home is obviously not livable right now.”

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

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