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Exploring community art/mural in Hartford, WI | By Steve Volkert

Hartford, WI – The City of Hartford along with a local group of art enthusiasts (Art in Hart) will be bringing murals to the downtown area of Hartford, WI. Original works of art are requested for a mural to be created and displayed on the very visible 16’ x 24’ north-facing exterior wall of a local restaurant/bar on the corner of State Hwy 60/Sumner Street and Main Street, 11 S. Main Street in downtown Hartford.
This concrete block wall is currently painted navy blue. This mural is to be the first of seven and is planned to be complete in August of 2022.
The Art in Hart group is looking to celebrate the rich history of the City of Hartford with a display that uses one or more of the following themes:
iris mural
Kissel Cars
Schwartz Brewery
Art Deco designs
Libby Canning Factory
Rubicon River Millpond
Hartford Oriole (bird)
Iris (flower)

Art in Hart members will review any provided ideas and quotes. Up to 7 other ideas may be used for a second phase of murals on additional downtown walls, artists names and proposals will be saved for the second phase or installations.

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Preferred Selection Criteria and Restrictions
1. No nudity or profanity of any type.
2. No religious overtones or representation.
3. Submissions could include original artwork created in the past two years (2020 or 2021) or work newly created for this project.
4. All artwork should be submitted with consideration for professional standard display. The Art in Hart Committee will work in consultation with the selected artists to determine best results.
5. All entries must be original and entirely the work of the artist. No copies, derivatives, or reproductions; work cannot be based on copyrighted or previously published materials.
Project Location
1. All artwork will be located in the downtown Hartford area.
2. The artwork chosen must fit on the wall within the dimensions of 16’ height, 24’ width. Artists may submit multiple images that belong together (triptych, etc.) to cover a larger space.
3. The selected artist will be responsible for painting their approved mural design on or before August 1, 2022.
4. The Art in Hart Committee will recognize each artist with an object label on the wall adjacent to the mural.
Other Considerations
1. All selected artists will sign non-exclusive license agreements as part of this process. The images of the original works of art will be used for educational & promotional purposes.
2. Art in Hart reserves the right for any changes or updates to the work after 5 years.
Selection Process
1. Art in Hart Committee with expertise in the area, including at least one artist, will review all submittals and make recommendations to the City Planning Commission as to who should be selected.
2. The final artist selections, approved by the Planning Commission, are final. There will not be an appeal process.
1. Each artist will submit a proposal for their mural that fits within the cap of $10,000 per proposal. Artists may submit multiple proposals to fit a variety of available spaces $10,000 is the maximum allowable request per proposal. Requests must include supplies, tools, and artists pay.
2. Each selected artist will be required to sign a contract, including a non-disclosure agreement, with the City.
4. At the time of selection, or shortly thereafter, each artist will receive $1,000 to cover all materials and supplies plus 30% of the total stipend. This date will be approximately July 20, 2022.
5. Artists will be contacted by June 15 with any changes, requests or acceptance.
6. On or before September 1, 2022 each artist will be required to complete their finalized mural utilizing said wall. At the time of completion (or shortly thereafter) the final stipend payment will be made. Shortly after completion, a ceremony will be held and the artist invited back and be recognized for their contribution.
Additional Information:
If you are in need additional information or have questions, please contact Art in Hart via e-mail at: svolkert@hartford.wi.gov

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