73.9 F
West Bend

Eucharistic Rosary Walk is today, Sunday, July 14

West Bend, WI – The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Eucharistic Rosary Walk -today, Sunday, July 14 at 8:15 a.m.


Hike to Mother Mary, Holy Hill

The walk will start at The Columbian, 3245 Lighthouse Lane, in West Bend and proceed south down the Eisenbahn State Trail with Deacon Mark professing the Eucharist while participants pray the Rosary.

We will end back at The Columbian for Mass at 9 a.m. with Rev. Guy Gurrath and then brunch after Mass.

Cost for brunch is $6.

Contact Jim Gugg at 262-343-6141 or j22g56@aol.com to RSVP.


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