40.4 F
West Bend

Anticipating winter white at Enchantment in the Park

West Bend, WI – As Christmas draws near the crowds are growing bigger at Enchantment in the Park.  In an effort to keep things running smoothly volunteers are offering some tips on how to avoid traffic backups.

Enchantment in the Park

Folks can enter the driving route of Enchantment in the Park off of Highway 33 or Main Street onto Silverbrook Drive.

At the end of the route park in either parking lot and walk on in. For safety, walkers need to stay off of the driving paths.

Horse and carriage Enchantment
Horse and carriage on Friday and Saturday at Enchantment in the Park

Concessions provided by the Washington County Senior Center are available for purchase.

A $10 cash donation and/or a bag of nonperishable food is suggested per car or walk-ins.

All volunteers will be wearing masks.

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